Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 167 of 624

Logos 168

Goto table of logos

It is written: “The human being who listens to God gradually escapes desire to dominate matter, to identification with his body, and becomes free from all material affection. Unperturbed, equal to all and freed from duality, he can also see himself. His thoughts, turned inward, are then perfectly peaceful like a calm sea”.

When our mind is fully absorbed in the consciousness of God and we devote ourselves fully to the practice of the devotional service offered to the Lord, we are becoming like an ocean whose waves are calmed. Likewise, the laws of nature continue to operate, but the being firmly established in God through the practice of devotional service is never troubled, for it is introspective. His gaze is not on the material nature, but rather on the spiritual nature, that of his own being. With the sober mind, it simply becomes absorbed in the service of the Lord, and thus realizes its true self, devoid of all mistaken identification with matter and free from all affection for the goods of this world. Such a sage is never in conflict with others, because he sees all beings, including himself, from the spiritual point of view, that is to say that he sees from the right perspective.

Only service of devotion makes it possible to know the spiritual and absolute nature of the Supreme Lord and, after having perfectly perceived his absolute position, to enter into his kingdom. As for the way leading to the kingdom of God, it is called the way of return to God, in our original abode, the one which makes it possible to reach the ultimate goal of existence.

Logos 169

Goto table of logos

The Lord said: “My devotee verily accesses spiritual realization through my infinite and causeless grace, and so once freed from all doubt, he walks firmly to his own destination, which is directly under the protection of my spiritual energy, all of pure bliss. This is the ultimate perfection that the individual must achieve. After leaving its material body, the pure soul therefore regains this absolute abode never to return to this world again”.

The true spiritual realization consists in becoming a pure devotee of the Lord, and the existence of the holy being embraces both the devotional function and the object of this devotion. In the final analysis, spiritual realization consists of knowing the Supreme Person and the individual spiritual being in truth; true spiritual realization comes down to knowing the individual soul as well as the exchanges of loving service that are established between it and the Supreme Lord. Devotional service is revealed to the pure being by the Lord's infinite and causeless mercy.




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