Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 119 of 624

The spiritual radiance coming from the absolute body of Krishna, God, omnipresent, infinite and unfathomable, represents the cause of the creation of the innumerable planets, all endowed with a specific atmosphere and living conditions. This radiance makes possible the creation of the entire universe by the force of its power. It is limitless and unfathomable, in a way the first germ of creation and finds its foundation in the Lord. Therefore, God is the supreme and absolute cause of all creation.

The Lord creates through his countless energies. The Lord, by the power of his radiance, disseminates seeds of an infinite variety which will be cared for by beings like Brahma, the demiurge and first created being, so that they can develop. The latter cannot create the seeds but he knows how to make the tree spring from them just as a gardener waters his plants and the trees of his orchard to stimulate their growth.

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The Lord, as Supreme Soul (also called Holy Spirit) located in every being from Brahma the first being created to the tiny ant, confers on each one the necessary knowledge, which existed already in power.

Conditioned by matter, the spiritual being embodied in a human body is likely to forget everything when the change of body called death occurs. But the original knowledge, which lies in power in the heart of every being, is again stirred up by the Lord. This is what we call the awakening of knowledge, because it is indeed about being pulled out of unconsciousness. The Lord directs this awakening in the smallest details, so we will see in the daily life varying levels of knowledge in various beings. It is in God that this spiritual and absolute knowledge finds its origin.

God existed before creation and his words are therefore purely spiritual sound vibrations. Spiritual sound is totally different from material sound. To those who sincerely seek him, he gives knowledge and intelligence thanks to which they will be able to know him as he is. God reveals himself only to those who surrender to him, and serve him with love and devotion. For all others, atheists for example, he reserves the right to remain veiled.

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The Supreme Lord, God, is the master of all beings wherever they are, for no one can achieve his ends without allowing it.




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