Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 33 of 103

Consequently, living beings find themselves in a relative position, despite their qualitative identity with the Lord. God reigns supreme over all things, and being, for his part, is always governed either by spiritual energy or by material energy. So he can never come to be the master of one or the other of these two energies. Its natural position is to always keep itself subordinate to God, the Supreme Person. The one who accepts to behave in this way attains the perfection of existence, but the one who revolts remains in the conditioned state.

The spiritual soul participates of the same nature as the Supreme Lord, and is qualitatively One with Him. It is therefore at the absolute level, between the distinct spiritual being and the Supreme Spiritual Whole, the Sovereign Being, God, that the exchanges of love find their origin, and also their total unfolding. The Lord is the source of all pleasures. It is when the individual being distinct from God comes into contact with Him, exchanging again with Him a feeling of natural and eternal love through which they are united, that he finds true happiness.

The Lord teaches that his coming and his actions are purely spiritual, and that any living being happy enough to know their sublime nature can immediately become free from the chains of matter and qualify to return to Him, to His kingdom. Knowing the absolute nature of the advent and deeds of Lord Krishna is enough to achieve liberation. Unless one serves Krishna, God, the Supreme Person with love and devotion, no one can find real satisfaction. The individual being distinct from God is the eternal servant of the Eternal Master, the Supreme Lord.

This is the natural and eternal relationship that unites them. If the Lord has multiplied himself into innumerable distinct beings, it is in order to accept from them a service of love, and only this exchange will be able to satisfy both the Lord and the distinct beings. After liberation, which is the last of the four principles which are the search for riches, the pleasure of the senses and salvation, based on acts of piety, the being adopts the practice of pure devotional service, and is therefore located at level of spiritual realization where he finally finds full satisfaction. But this satisfaction is in itself only the beginning of spiritual bliss. It is therefore first necessary to achieve some progress in this relative (material) world by achieving equanimity, equality of mind, in order then to establish oneself in the service of the Lord's sublime love. This is the teaching of the Divine Person. The first necessity for man is to realize the eternal relationship which unites him to the Lord, in order, without further delay, to abandon himself to Him. Our only occupation should be to love Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.




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