Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 30 of 103

Only he who clearly conceives the Sovereign Lord and Vaikuṇṭha, the spiritual world, will be able to know perfection. Everyone should constantly meditate on and glorify God, the Supreme Person. Lord Chaitanya has made these topics easier for the fallen souls of the present age to access, and he has presented them in such a way that they are easily understood by those interested. Although his only proper functions are entertainment, out of sheer mercy the Lord nevertheless performs an activity for the good of fallen souls. He delivers fallen beings by offering them the four kinds of liberation, that which allows to live on the same planet as the Lord, that which gives the same bodily features as the Lord, that which allows to benefit from the same opulence as the Lord, and that which allows one to live in the company of the Lord.

There are two ways to achieve liberation: by the grace of the Lord or by one's own efforts. It is this second path that the impersonalist (the believing Jew, Christian, Muslim…) adopts to blend in with the radiance, the dazzling brilliance of the Lord. The pure soul, through the practice of devotional service, is offered one of the following four forms of liberation: that which allows one to live on the same planet as the Lord, that which allows one to live in constant company with the Lord, that which allows to benefit from the same perfections as the Lord or that which allows to have the same bodily features as the Lord. Those who obtain the liberation of merging into the dazzling radiance emanating from the body of the Lord remain outside the kingdom of Vaikuṇṭha, the threshold of which they cannot cross. Outside the Vaikuṇṭha planets of the spiritual world extends the radiance formed by the supremely luminous rays emanating from the body of Lord Kṛiṣhṇa. This expanse located beyond material nature is called Siddhaloka. Although spiritual in essence, it reveals no variety. We compare it to the homogeneous radiance that surrounds the sun. But in the star itself there are chariots, horses and other emblems of the glory of the celestial being master of the sun. Beyond Vaikuṇṭha, the abode of Kṛiṣhṇa, extends the radiance formed by the dazzling rays emanating from the body of Kṛiṣhṇa. The transcendental region where this radiance shines is called Siddhaloka or Brahmaloka. Impersonalists who achieve liberation merge into this Brahmaloka. Although assuredly spiritual, we do not detect any spiritual activities or varieties. So we compare it to the radiance of the sun, which hides the star itself, the seat of various manifestations.

Just as by devotion to the Lord one gains to return to his home, many are those who achieve this goal by ceasing their sinful acts and by absorbing themselves in the mind of the Lord animated by lust, envy, fear or affection.

Krishna, God, the Absolute Spiritual Being, can eliminate all material symptoms of the one He seduces. Even if our attraction for God is based on a material lust, this attraction can be metamorphosed, by the grace of the Lord, into a spiritual love for his person. Likewise, one who is united with the Lord by a feeling of fear and animosity is also seen purified by virtue of the spiritual fascination which He exercises. God is great and the living being tiny, but they both remain separate spiritual entities. Nevertheless, as soon as a reciprocal exchange is established between them thanks to the free will of the living being, the Supreme Spiritual Being attracts the tiny being and thus frees it from any bondage to matter.




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