Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
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Absolute Truth is therefore the very substance of reality, eternally manifested in three energies. The manifestation of the internal energy of the Lord is the inconceivable diversity, that of the marginal energy is the living being and that of the external energy is the form of the material cosmos. Absolute Truth thus comprises four principles: God Himself, the Supreme Person, and his internal, marginal and external powers. The form of the Lord and his so-called personal, original and two-handed emotional emanations draw their bliss directly from the internal energy, which eternally reveals the spiritual world, the most confidential of energy manifestations. External manifestation, or material energy, provides the bodily envelopes of conditioned living beings, from Brahma the first created being, down to the insignificant ant. This energy is manifested under the influence of the three attributes of material nature; virtue, passion, ignorance, and living things perceive it in various ways within lower and higher species. Each of the three categories of internal energy, the power of bliss, the power of perception and the existential power, exerts its influence on one of the external powers which direct the conditioned soul. This influence makes manifest the three attributes of material nature, proving categorically that living beings, constituting the marginal energy, remain eternally servants of the Lord and are therefore under the tutelage of internal energy or energy. external.

To serve Krishna, God, the Supreme Person and to take pleasure in satisfying all his desires, this is our real duty, always manifested in love for the Lord. With the eyes of love for God one can perceive its true identity. It is the very place of entertainment that Kṛiṣhṇa indulges in with the young shepherds and the gopīs [Young villagers, companions of Krishna in Vrindavana, the transcendent realm. They embody, because of their pure love for Him, the highest devotion to the Lord.], In His kingdom.

I adore the primordial Lord, the original father, who keeps the cows and fulfills all desires. Its mansions are built with spiritual gems and surrounded by millions of wish-trees. Thousands of goddesses of fortune serve him forever with great reverence and the deepest affection.

This verse, taken from the Brahma-saṁhitā (sacred text), reveals to us in a precise way the abode of Kṛiṣhṇa, this transcendent place where life is all of eternity, bliss and knowledge, but where we find also a profusion of vegetables, milk, jewels, beautiful homes and gardens maintained by charming young ladies, all goddesses of fortune. Kṛiṣhṇaloka is the supreme planet of the spiritual world, below which innumerable spiritual planets evolve.

Vaikuṇṭhaloka, [the eternal planets located in the kingdom of Vaikuntha, the spiritual world. Krishna, God, the Supreme Person reigns over each of them in his Narayana form.] Is not subject to the influence of the three attributes of material nature, which are virtue, passion, and ignorance. In the material world the highest mode is that of virtue, which is characterized by veracity, mental balance, purity, mastery of the senses, simplicity, the essence of learning, faith in God, scientific knowledge, etc.




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