Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
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Lord Chaitanya is the master of the six perfections: beauty, wealth, fame, power, wisdom and renunciation, for He is none other than Lord Krishna. In him are found in their fullness eternity, knowledge and happiness.

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said: So I will open the way for the religion of this age, the collective song of the holy name of the Lord. I will thus give the world to taste the four forms of sweet exchanges which are attached to the service of love and devotion, and thereby make it dance with ecstasy.

Accepting the role of a devotee, I will teach by My example the practice of devotional service.

The Lord descends into this world at regular intervals to restore the spiritual culture that time has declined. Lord Krishna therefore appeared at the end of the Copper Age, the one that preceded ours, in order to regenerate spirituality in men, but also to manifest his divine entertainments. The Lord in his aspect of Visnu is concerned with maintaining the cosmic creation. It is above all this divinity who restores order within the galaxy. Krishna is the Lord in his original form. He does not appear to solve these problems but only to reveal his purely spiritual entertainments and thus attract fallen souls to return to their original home, to the kingdom of God. However, at the end of the last age coincided the time of restoring order in the galaxy and the time of the advent of Lord Krishna. Consequently, when the Supreme Lord, Krishna, comes to this world, Visnu, who maintains the galaxy, merges into himself, as indeed all his full emanations.

When God, the Supreme Lord in his absolute form, descends into the material universe, all other Avatars unite in Him. Narayaṇa, the first four emanations [Vasudeva, Saṅkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha], Matsya and the other līla-Avatars [Divine manifestations which, at various times, descend into the material universe to make visible there the spiritual and absolute entertainments of the Supreme Lord.], the yuga-Avatars [Divine manifestations appearing in each age to teach there the method of spiritual realization which is proper to it.] as well as the manvantara-Avatars [The various fathers of humanity, whose function is to people galaxy and to establish there the laws of a just and balanced society.] and all other Avatars that may exist all manifest in the body of Krishna, the Supreme Lord in his full form.

Lord Krishna, the Absolute Divine Person, is the all-powerful form of existence, knowledge, and transcendent bliss in their fullness. When Lord Krishna comes into the material world at the end of the copper age of the twenty-eighth four-age cycle of Vaivasvata Manu, the present father of mankind, He brings with Him His eternal abode where His most entertaining entertainments take place. sublime. The Lord appears by the effect of his internal power. Likewise, by this same power, He transfers everything that is directly related to Him into this world, without the aid of any external influence.




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