God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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On the contrary it is obvious to say that for men for sinister reasons, turned to unbridled
pursuit of profit, grow their kind, sensible and searching for the truth, to depart from the right
path by forcing them to remain in matter, and confine them to forget the true values, including
those related to spirituality.
The man still has much to learn, discover, before being able to make not even a preliminary
answer to a problem cloudy or clear up a mystery. But in the case that concerns us, I say that
that is not tomorrow the day before. This would not only develop a technology hitherto
unknown, but does not assume or otherwise confined, that the visible matter is the only
Then go back all the time.
Our research SUPREME GOD, SPIRITUAL BEING this behind everything that exists and
moves, has often been unsuccessful due to lack of precise data concerning him. In fact when
we follow the chronology of human evolution, we see an obvious gap.
If God exists wonder men, where is it and how is it?
In what direction to look?
We were at the beginning of enlightenment, with the arrival of God himself, when he took
human form to convey knowledge to men, and they reveal the actual data and the truth about
things celestial. We all know the name of Christ.
Our knowledge remains very limited, do not allow us to penetrate and understand correctly
the truth, to identify the essence, and to understand its fullness. It is clear that our ignorance of
celestial data, prevent us from seeing clearly. We must humbly admit, that if we want to know
and find God, we must go back in time, back to the original source, and there it must be
admitted, the mystery is complete.
In the beginning there was void, it must be admitted, there was nothing that the real vacuum.
In the beginning was the void. If this idea is commonly accepted, it must go to the evidence,
that everything has a beginning and an end. Since it refers to the divine, we must recognize
that data GOD ENTTTE major spiritual, are radically different, as outsized and fall of the
If the beginning was nothing, I mean by that, the non-existence, non-being, lack of life, we
need to face facts. For something emerges from nothing, it is necessary that it does not totally.
Because of this void, this absolutely NOTHING has shown, became the Supreme Being,
spiritual entity MAJEURE, the Holy Spirit, source of all existence, of all things of God.
No one can call God, or give it a name, because only the father gives a name to his son. But
God is the first and on that basis and out of respect, we call GOD, a dignity above that there is
It would be incorrect and inappropriate to speak of God in other words in saying what he
really is a spiritual being. It is also essentially the owner of the original source of truth, it is
the ordering intelligence and dispenser, it is the source of life and life is the source of all
intelligence, wisdom, purity, and source of purity He is love and source dispenser of love,
there is peace and source of peace, is perfection and flawless, it is the possessor of knowledge,
knowledge source and dispenser of knowledge and knowledge, it is the 'absolute.
God is unique and he often showed the men that he hates evil and wickedness in all its forms.
Therefore, especially because he knows the effects of evil, he urges men to reject evil. It is the
FIRST, and nothing has been before him. Since pure SPIRIT, he can not be represented. For
this reason he first forbade men to represent, portray the human form, as would be pure
fantasy, pure invention and a gross error. The man has never seen a spiritual entities, how
these conditions could allow himself to represent God is the ENTITY SPIRITUELLEM
GOD is the one in whom is concentrated, collected, all the divine qualities. It is the fullness,
the immensity, infinity.




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