We qualify the Lord as the supreme "male", Master and beneficiary of all things, although no member of the male gender of this world can be compared to Him. In short, all its forms are called advaita, meaning that no one differs from the other, and each of them enjoys eternal youth.
True and absolute happiness.
In the service of absolute love, the servant is as free as the Master, Krishna. The latter is perfectly independent, and in the spiritual world the servant also enjoys this quality of perfect independence because there is no forced service. Absolute service arises only from spontaneous love. A pale reflection of such a quality of service can be found in the one a mother gives to her child, a friend gives back to her friend, or marries her to her husband. Indeed, these three forms of service are not imposed, but aroused by love only. But let us understand well that in this material world, even the service offered with love is only a distorted reflection of the one found in the spiritual world, in contact with the Lord, and that is the real service, the service related to the spiritual form of each being.
In truth, spiritual happiness in the Krishna realm, God, the Supreme Person, is limitless. The happiness of the Lord is equal to his Person and to his absolute knowledge. But this happiness, ever increasing, the Lord must endlessly measure. Thus there is in some way an eternal competition between the increase of happiness and its perception by the Lord, a competition that never stops but continues.
To tell the truth, spiritual happiness is compared to an ocean of increasing happiness. While the oceans of this world are static, the spiritual ocean is dynamic. The dynamic growth of the ocean of spiritual happiness is present in the sublime Person of Srimati Radharani, who embodies the blissful power of Lord Krishna.
The spiritual soul, which is our true identity, is by nature full of bliss and knowledge, the latter being able to be realized directly through the service of love and devotion offered to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. In this happy state, the spiritual being enjoys through his spiritual senses an infinite transcendental happiness. This perfection reached, he knows that nothing is more precious, and he will not deviate henceforth from the Absolute Truth, Krishna, source of perfect happiness, and will remain imperturbable by his side.
All who take refuge in Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, enjoy a sublime peace. The spiritual world is studded with innumerable planets, and the Lord, by his innumerable plenary emanations, reigns over all of them. As for the pure beings who live there, they enjoy the same advantages as the Lord and his eternal companions.
Krishna is the absolute source of happiness and the fountain of all happiness. He diffuses throughout his infinite kingdom the true spiritual happiness, permanent,