The Spiritual World
Page 83 of 88

The Supreme Lord, Kṛiṣhṇa, is the source of all virtue, beauty and all that exists. Outside of Him there is nothing.

Because He possesses all the Attributes quoted above, Lord Kṛiṣhṇa is the only one who can watch over the interests of creation; and in doing so, He gives salvation even to His enemies when He Himself puts them to death. He captivates even the highest among liberated souls, which makes Him worthy of the very adoration of Brahmā and Śiva, the highest of all celestial beings. As Supreme Avatar, He is also the Lord of the creative power of all material cosmos. In truth, material energy is acting under his direction. It therefore acts on this energy as would an electric switch, and to do this it multiplies in galaxies without number in a multitude of Avatars. In every galaxy, without counting any other Avatar, there are more than five hundred thousand manifestations of Manu (father of humanity); we can hardly imagine the number of Avatars that appear in the different galaxies.

In the spiritual world, however, beyond material nature, there is no question of Avatars, but rather of plenary emanations of the Lord visible on the different Vaikuṇṭhas spiritual planets. These spiritual planets are at least three times more numerous than those composing the innumerable galaxies of the material cosmos. All the forms of Nārāyaṇa (Plenary Emanation of Krishna) that occupy the spiritual planets are all emanations of the Vāsudeva aspect of the Lord; This one is therefore at one and the same time Vāsudeva, Nārāyaṇa and Kṛiṣhṇa, in one person. As a result, his Attributes can not be counted by anyone, no matter how big.

Systematic listening to the entertainment, attributes and sublime names of Lord Krishna leads to eternal life.

Those who wish to attain the total perfection of existence must listen to the words that relate to the spiritual and absolute entertainment and attributes of the Supreme Lord, who always works wonderfully.

Systematic listening implies a deeper and deeper knowledge of one's Person, which in turn leads to an evolution towards eternal life. Moreover, the glorification of the sublime acts of the Lord Kṛiṣhṇa is precisely the prescribed remedy for neutralizing the evils of birth, sickness, old age, and death, which belong to all beings conditioned by matter. Access to such a level of perfection is identified with the purpose of human life, and with spiritual bliss.

He who is absorbed in the service of absolute love of the Lord bathes in an endless flow of rich emotions. The Lord is unlimited, and His Name, His Attributes, His Entertainment and all that surrounds Him enjoy the same quality. Those who revel in it can do so without end, and never feel satiated.





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