The Spiritual World
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mysterious regions of transcendence. The Lord personally guides his pure devotee on the path of spiritual realization, and this, because of the constant commitment of the devotee in his service of love out of spontaneous affection for Him. This is the secret to enter the kingdom of God.

Beyond the limits of the material cosmos is the spiritual world with its many eternal planets, including the supreme, Kṛiṣhṇaloka, where Krishna dwells. The name of Tryadhishvara is given to the Lord, in reference to his three main dwellings, Gokula, Mathura and Dvaraka, where absolute opulence reigns. Established in his transcendental power, Krishna is the Master of these three stays and all spiritual energies, in addition to possessing the six excellences in their fullness. That's why He is God, the Supreme Person.

Beyond the manifested and unmanifest existence of material nature is the spiritual world. This world having a purely spiritual character, there is no qualitative difference; everything is spiritual, perfect, and participates in the spiritual form of Lord Krishna. This spiritual world, manifestation of the inner power of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, differs entirely from the material world, manifested by its external energy or material energy. The inhabitants of the spiritual planets have the bluish complexion of an azure sky. Their eyes are like the lotus, and their features are those of teenagers. All are equipped with four arms and their body exerts a fascinating charm. They wear yellow-colored clothes, and are all beautifully adorned with pearl necklaces adorned with medallions. A brilliant radiance emanates from their person, from their spiritual body.

All the inhabitants of the spiritual world possess spiritual corporal traits, unknown in this material world. Just as in this material world beings differ from one continent to another or from one planet to another, the inhabitants of the spiritual world possess totally different corporeal traits from those observed in the material cosmos. For example, instead of having two arms, they all have four arms. Some have the radiance of coral and diamond. Their heads are adorned with wreaths of flowers, blooming like the lotus. Some also wear earrings. Some of the inhabitants have obtained the liberation which allows to possess the same corporal features as those of God, the Supreme Person. The vaidurya stone is the preserve of the Supreme Lord, and whoever gains access to this form of liberation obtains the privilege of wearing diamonds of this nature. The spiritual world shines with light, when the material universe is shrouded in darkness.

God specifies for this purpose: "This supreme kingdom, mine, nor the sun, nor the moon, nor even the electric force, illuminates it. For whom reaches it, no return to this world."

Māyā, illusion or ignorance is all that is relative, ephemeral and far removed from the Absolute Truth, God. This illusion manifests itself in two categories: the lower illusion, formed by inert matter, and the higher illusion represented by living beings. If we




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