The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 240 of 728

Always benevolent towards all, the devotee does not quarrel with anyone. His interest is in the essence of life, which is spiritual in nature. Equally disposed to all, no one can find fault with him. His magnanimous mind is always pure and devoid of any material obsession. Benefactor of all living beings, humans, animals and plants, he is peaceful and always abandoned to Krishna. Devoid of material desires, he is very humble and determined. Having overcome the six material faults, including anger and concupiscence, he does not eat more than necessary. Always sane and respectful, he seeks no respect for himself. He is serious, merciful, tolerant, friendly, poet, expert, humble and quiet.

Friend of all living beings, he has no enemy. Serene, he has all the virtues. It does not torment any living creature, including insects.

The man of perfect knowledge makes no difference between all human beings, white, black, yellow, red, half-breed, whom he loves with equal love and sees with one eye. He sees them all from a spiritual point of view.

A liberated being has no enemies because it considers all human beings without exception, like its brothers and sisters, and enjoys walking with them on the path of love for God.

Those who have attained the level of spiritual realization see in each material body a temple of the Lord, for the Supreme Lord dwells in the fleshly envelope of each being as Supreme Soul also called Holy Spirit. This is why we must love one another, for we also love the Lord at the same time.

The purpose of human life is to achieve spiritual realization, to surrender to God and to serve Him with love and devotion, in order to establish ourselves at the absolute spiritual level.

Those who find refuge in God enjoy a peace that nothing disturbs.

These are some attributes of a person who is conscious of Krishna.

Whoever has the chance to serve a great soul is assured that the path of liberation (salvation) is wide open to him. The holy souls are spiritualists or transcendentalists as calm as they are peaceful; their anger is foreign to them and they give their friendship to all living beings. The mere fact of frequenting such pure souls can turn a person into a devotee of Krishna. In truth, the company of holy devotees is essential to the development of love for God. The path of spiritual progress is accessible to anyone who comes into contact with a holy person. By following this path, one is sure




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