The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 237 of 728

real identity. When I speak of a material body, I speak in fact of two material bodies: the body of dense matter has five elements, earth, water, fire air, ether, and the second, the ethereal body is composed of the mind, the intelligence of the false ego and unclean conscience.

It is the ethereal body, which transports us from one corporal envelope to another, from one body to another, constantly going from one species to another, among the 8,640,000 species of material bodies; vegetable, animal, human.

The soul is fixed, it does not move. In truth, the soul does not move, except through its two bodies of dense and ethereal matter. The Lord dwells with him in the form of the Avatar Ksirodakasayi Visnu, in order to keep him alive in this body. The living being, the embodied spiritual entity, the infinitesimal part of God, the Supreme Person, exists through the mercy of the Lord who accompanies Him in any body. It is because he desires a special material enjoyment that the Lord provides him with a body, like a machine.

It is written, "I adore the Sovereign Person, God, who penetrates every universe (galaxy) and every atom under the aspect of one of its plenary emanations and thus manifests its infinite energy in all material creation."

The Supreme Lord dwells with the soul in the material body, to enable him to benefit from the amenities of material life.

The Supreme Lord says, "No weapon can split the soul, nor fire burn it; water can not wet it, nor the wind desiccate it. The soul is indivisible and insoluble; the fire does not reach it, it can not be dried up. She is immortal and eternal, omnipresent, unalterable and fixed.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person controls everything and decides everything. Nothing can happen or take place unless God has decided beforehand.

Krishna can provide us with all the essentials for life. No question of shortage or economic crisis. We only have to strive to serve Krishna and everything will be perfect. God knows everything about our past, our present, and our future. Because He sanctions the acts of every being, so He attributes the consequences to them, He is also the Absolute Master. Not a blade of grass can move that He has sanctioned his movement. Krishna embodies the ultimate sanction. If he condemns a being, no one




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