The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 242 of 728

The highest perfection for human beings is to constantly think of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and to remember the Lord throughout and at the end of their lives.

The spiritual world in which God resides is complete, without a trace of imperfection, all of knowledge, bliss, eternity, peace, and free from the grip of time. Everything is pure virtue. No one to be impure and imperfect can enter it. Only those who love God, who obey him and serve him with love and devotion can have access to it. So let's go.

The Lord says of Him: “In Me there is unlimited power, and that is why one knows Me as infinite, or omnipresent. The cosmic manifestation appeared in Me from My material energy, and in this universal manifestation appeared the first being, Brahma, who had no material mother.”

The Lord has countless powers, all of which are unlimited. As a result, the Lord Himself, as well as all of its Attributes, Forms and Entertainment are also endless.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person exists at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of everything, from the tiniest particle of the cosmic manifestation, the atom, to gigantic galaxies and all of energy hardware. He is eternal, because He has no beginning, no middle, no end. Its existence can be seen in these three phases; which shows its durability. When the cosmic manifestation does not exist, It exists, as the original power. He is Absolute, infallible and without beginning. He still possesses the fresh beauty of youth. God, the Supreme Person, exists with no other cause than Himself, because He Himself is the cause of everything. Eternal, He is beyond causes and effects. He is the origin of all that is. Everything is created, manifested, by the energy of the Supreme Lord and when everything is destroyed, or dissolved, the original energy enters the body of the Lord. He is the Cause of all causes, whether at the beginning, in the middle or at the end.

Through his unmotivated mercy, the Lord likes to depend on his devotees.

Krishna is God, the Supreme Person, the Master of all beings. The Sovereign Lord possesses the six perfections in their fullness, and He is also extremely benevolent towards his devotee. Although He is complete in Himself, He nevertheless desires that all beings abandon themselves to Him and dedicate themselves to his service.




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