Giving The Keys Of Truth
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also make them blind and deaf, get them to harden their heart so that the holy word does not reach
them, and so that they reject God. It is there, the work of the devil.
Base yourselves my friends, on the God's vivifying word, and on its teaching. Use them for
comparison with data from these deceptive unfair beings; that will allow you to address the false
ideas they carry. Never forget that they are in the pay if I may say, of Satan..
On the other hand my friends, these evil men do not know God; they have a black and dark
background and aggressive intentions. They want only your loss; they want to prevent you from
progressing, from evolving spiritually; they have only a fragmented knowledge of the kingdom of
God. Their knowledge of data concerning the truth, the teaching to help men have the keys of
knowledge relating to spiritual science, earthly and spiritual mysteries, are virtually nonexistent. How
do you want under these conditions, that they pass on you right, real lessons?
Do not listen to these inequitable persons, do not follow them, turn them the back. Only God teaches
the truth, and all that he says is the truth. God revealed to the men the various degrees of the
knowledge, detailing, explaining, bringing to light the couples of opposite, so that man enters this
divine teaching, knowingly choose his way; to remain on his ways and to apply his laws; knowing
definitively that they are the safest, and they certainly lead to light and to God.
The purpose of Satan and his demonic assistants is to lose men and women as they did to Adam and
Eve, and to take them away from God. Then to send them directly to the universe of the perdition
where they live themselves.
Be a good listener my friends, and make the difference between the teaching of God's truth and false
teaching of the devil. Do not make the same mistake as Adam and Eve; deviate from sons of the
perdition; turn their back; close your eyes; cover your ears.
Listen to God my friends; and only to him; for verily I say unto you, he is really the way, the truth and
the life.

You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.
The word of God has brought through the centuries, nay, thousands of years, many questions
followed by a multitude of interpretations, all equally silly and inaccurate as each other, and of
course going against the direction actual words spoken.
At that time, Adam and Eve were juxtaposed with celestial beings, including Satan was somehow the
first one, and the head.
Many religious, spiritual leaders see extrapolèrent historians, arguing that symbolized the forbidden
fruit of knowledge of good and evil, and that required about divine, came from a false God. They
even added that in this case, it is Satan who had the starring role, that of wisdom.




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