Giving The Keys Of Truth
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very limited. So obviously, the knowledge they transmit to humans is false, misleading, and flies away
from the truth.
If the people contacted by them listen to them and believe in them, not only they run to perdition,
but if they do what they ask them to do, which unfortunately is already the case, they will lead many
men and women in the darkness.
Listen to God my friends, him and only him, because he is really the truth.
Remember the counsel of God.
Some men say: God does not exist, and misfortune will not come upon us, we do not see sword or
famine. The prophets are but wind, and nobody speaks for them. Listen to this foolish people and
without heart. They have eyes but do not see, they have ears, but they do not hear.
It is your faults which disrupted everything.
Beware of anyone who tells you that everything goes well, that misfortune will not happen, and you
have nothing to fear from the warnings of the Lord.
To achieve an end, the forces of evil among which Satan and the fallen angels are the germ, pose for
Beings of Light that they are not. I say it once again. Under this misleading appearance, they come
into contact with men and women, and through them, dropping on the ground a false knowledge.
They ask them to spread in all directions, having previously created a pernicious sect, which is a
corporation, provided for this purpose.
It is easy to recognize the pernicious, evil, aggressive and misleading knowledge spilled by these evil
beings, whose representatives are the spokesmen, as you will notice that the focus of their teaching
is highlighted: the nonexistence of God. Also my friends, they talk about God in a disrespectful
manner, diminishing his role, however eminent and prominent in the boundless kingdom, minimizing
his importance, questioning his uniqueness as they head up and claim: (Oh My Lord!) All men and
women are God, and that each individual is a spark of God himself.
Wrong. They simply do not know God, and are fooled by the dark forces. Remember my friends, that
Satan has always challenged God up wanting to be his equal, and entitled to his auxiliary fallen
angels, as it does today through this perverse sect. That is why, wanting to be absolutely God, he
incites men to do the same. The whole point of the false light beings and true fallen angels is to let
people give them their own, their whole attention, which allows to better control them. They will as
well make understand to the men and women as only they possess the knowledge, highlighting the
pride and vanity which characterize them, and that they are the only one able to lead them to the
spiritual future they aspire. Even here, everything they say to people is wrong, and keep lying.
They go up and to believe in human beings, they always act for their good and their spiritual future,
flooding the entire earth with positive and beneficial vibration, and claim to reside in spiritual beings
on other planets, in the other galaxies or solar systems and would travel in the ships built using brain
waves and would be part of a galactic federation. My friends, what has been said, is proof that these
creatures are among the fallen angels. If they say that they reside in the places described above, it is
simply because they do not longer able to access the celestial spheres because of their exclusion. Of
course they will fall silent this truth. Their goal is to lead you astray; mislead you; place the disorder
in your mind; enslave you; require you to make bad decisions, including those that lead you directly
into perdition.




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