Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 85 of 89

The heavenly beings (the angels, the saints), the real beings of light my friends, live well in high and
saint places, the heavenly world where Satan and his troops can not go.
To further confuse you, they usurp the known holy names, knowing that you listen and do everything
they tell you. The wolf can take on the appearance of the lamb, my friends, you will recognize his
voice still reluctant to truth, in which the total content and most of the teaching of God are absent.
Moreover, when you browse their writings revealed by this sect in their pay, you will notice that their
teaching is superficial, they never come into depth as I did, thank God, because it is simply as that:
neither they have the true knowledge, nor they have the required skills. Having a bad back, they
never addressed the subjects or the divine word of God whose base is-love-goodness justice-peace.
They will do everything to avoid it, just talking about what they best know and that emanate from
their own doing, whose vibrations dark and evil are drawn. They will never tell you to abandon and
reject evil in all its forms, otherwise they would deny themselves.
No my friends, they will never tell you. They will make you believe that those who do evil have
nothing to fear, that nothing will happen to them, or the punishments to the evil consequences of
their fault or suffering they have caused to others, is that the wind and lie. Satan continues with you
what he did with Adam and Eve.
Do not believe in them my friends; they hate you and want your loss. See God's words quoted above.
As I have indicated above, they do not know God, and as the first of them, the devil, they all believe,
each and collectively be God himself. As Satan did believe in angels when he was still in the celestial
kingdom, he was similar to the LORD, even telling them he was God himself. Now they have all been
expelled from paradise, yet they continue; and now persuade men that they are too God himself.
My friends all that is wrong.
Look my friends, how Satan and his demonic assistants do not love God. When they speak of the Lord
and the first divine being alive, they call it with contempt:
The source.
Verily I say unto you my friends, I am deeply hurt to know that these foul beings can treat my father
and your father in heaven with too little respect. This is outrageous and insulting from their part. This
is an additional proof my friends, that they do not really know God. Stay away from them, do not
listen to them, Throw all their papers, turn them the back as well as to this pernicious sect.
My dear friends, whatever God says is true, God and his word is really a food and beverage that leads
to eternal life.
Be a good listener my friends, then from God's teaching, you will come to recognize the deceptive
messages. As once Satan did with Adam and Eve, when he told them that the wise advice that the
Lord had given them was contrary to the truth, they would not die if they ate the fruit of the
forbidden tree, on the contrary, they would become like Gods.
The false light beings today, as at that time, contact blinded men and women by means of false
visions, and through the wicked sect, transmit to humans a truncated education, outside reality,
untrue, as did the snake.
While the Supreme Being of Light, the one and only true God, by love for men and women of the
earth exhort them to to reject the evil under all its forms at the risk of penalty further to a
judgment, false beings of light and true son of perdition follow the same approach as the snake and




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