The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 68 of 88

The mere practice of intellectual speculation, or the launching into philosophical conjecture, is not enough to free us from suffering and material slavery, if the main cause of evil remains. The root cause must first be neutralized, so that the effect is wiped out, and the major cause is disobedience to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

To definitively neutralize the effects of climate change, and prevent it from resurging in the future, to ensure that the elements of nature do not reappear again, we must imperatively remove the cause, and for that we need to present: to obey God, to do his divine will and always to act as he desires with promptitude, to renew the bond of love which unites us to him, to link our desires and our interests to his, to cease definitively to abort, to kill terrestrial and aquatic animals in slaughterhouses, on the open sea, in fish and aquaculture ponds, in all other death centers, in rivers and everywhere else, to eat meat, fish and eggs, and to extract underground fossil fuels.

The cause will then be destroyed, and man will no longer live in sin. The worthy, honest and virtuous human being obeys God, and does everything He says without fail, surrenders to the Lord and serves him with love and devotion. Lord Krishna will then take him under his protection, nothing will ever happen to him again.

Lord Krishna says: “Totally surrender to Me, and I will take you under my protection, I will protect you from all perils. You will know absolute peace, and you will reach my eternal and supreme abode.

I want to see happy all the beings of this world”.

If the mass of people want to be saved from these life-after-death chain reactions, they must devote themselves right now to developing Krishna consciousness, God consciousness and stopping all sinful activity.

Let us not kill, let us not make the animals suffer, and let us not eat their flesh, for they have a soul. Men still do not know that divine laws prevail over human laws, and that they suffer the consequences of their own acts according to the law of cause and effect or law of karma.

We must stop all illicit sexual intercourse, out of wedlock, stop eating meat, fish and eggs, stop using drugs and exciting products such as tobacco, alcohol, coffee and tea, and stop gambling and gambling.

Putting an end to these sinful acts makes it possible to know God as He really is. Let us immediately and definitively cease to commit these sins, and hum the song of the holy names of God

Haré Krishna, haré Krishna, Krishna Krishna, haré haré /

haré Rama, haré Rama, Rama Rama, haré haré.

To free us from the cycle of successive reincarnations and thus to see all our sins erased.

This song in Sanskrit means: “O Lord, O source of all happiness, please make me your beloved servant, and allow me to serve you”.




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