The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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In these transcendental relationships, the Lord submits to the love of his devotee. Such pure love for God is not tainted by any trace of superfluous nondevotional desires and is not related to self-serving action or empirical speculation in any of their forms.

Pure and natural, love is born spontaneously when you reach the absolute level. Such a devotional service is carried out in a favorable atmosphere, free from all material affection. This is the purest service of love and devotion offered to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

The Lord adds: “As men surrender themselves to Me, I will reward them in proportion. All follow My way, one way or another.

If anyone harbors pure devotion to Me, seeing Me as his son, friend or beloved, and considers Me as his equal or his inferior, I become subordinate to him.

The devotional service offered to Me by living beings revives eternal life in them. Your happy fortune is none other than the love you have for Me, because it alone has enabled you to obtain My favor”.

The regulatory principles (Have no illicit sexual relations, outside marriage, do not eat meat, fish and eggs, do not use any drug, stimulant or intoxicating substance, alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco, not to indulge in gambling or gambling), allow ordinary devotees to rise to the stage of perfect love of God. It is in pure love for Krishna that lies the perfection of devotion, which corresponds to spontaneous devotional service.

The observance of the regulative principles finds its perfection on the spiritual planets. Strict adherence to these principles allows access to these planets. However, the service of pure and spontaneous love is only found on Krishnaloka, the planet where Krishna resides eternally, in the company of his pure devotees. It is the highest of all the planets, both material and spiritual.

Due to its spiritual nature, the living being (the embodied spiritual being) can only know true happiness in the spiritual world, because Lord Krishna is the pure source of it.

To see God as He is, we must surrender ourselves to Him and serve Him with love and devotion. Devotional service is the manifestation of love that one feels for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.




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