The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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Each being, in his original condition, exchanges with the Lord a special love, according to his feelings and emotions.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna, is the source of all feelings, all emotions. It is when the living being comes into contact with Krishna, again exchanging with Him the natural and eternal feeling through which they are united, that he finds true happiness.

Each being, in its original condition, is made to exchange a particular feeling with Krishna, God, the Supreme Lord. But in order to regain the fullness of this primordial state, it is necessary to attain liberation, to be freed from confinement to matter and to this material world, because in material existence affection is found only in a temporary and distorted form. It is for this reason, moreover, that in the material universe feelings take various material forms, such as anger, wonder, velour, compassion, benevolence, fear, or others of the same order, secondary.

Thus, those who develop a deep knowledge of these different emotions, which are at the base of every action, can understand that the feelings of the material universe are only a distorted reflection of the original feelings of the spiritual world.

The true scholar aspires to taste pure emotion, in its spiritual form. At a lower level, others simply wish to blend into the Absolute, and as long as they have no knowledge of the various emotions, even the most intelligent of spiritualists fail to rise above this identification with the spiritual Whole, God, and thus ignore, all of the true happiness that results from true feelings, true emotions, in their absolute purity, as the holy beings exchange them with Krishna, in his infinite, absolute and eternal kingdom.

The real reason for Krishna’s coming to earth 5,000 years ago was that he wanted to stage his divine entertainment, and thus show the highest perfection of the sweet feelings of spiritual love that the Lord exchanges with holy beings in his absolute kingdom, but also in the spiritual being incarnate in this world.

Krishna, who is also the Absolute Truth, is the reservoir of all kinds of love exchange. Full of immoveable mercy, He desires to grant us the privilege of devotional service offered to His Person in a sense of transcendental ecstasy, which exerts on Him a greater attraction than any other form practiced according to the defined rules.

The Lord says: “The conception of My greatness penetrates the entire universe, but love diminished by such a vision of My Person hardly satisfies Me.

I do not submit to the love of him for whom I remain the Supreme Lord and who places himself in a subordinate position. He cannot subjugate ME to his desires. I respond to the worship of My devotee according to the particular transcendental feeling that drives him. Such is My nature”.

The Lord, by his intrinsic nature, reveals himself to each devotee according to his own devotional service. The entertainment of Vrindavana, the supreme planet where he resides, has shown that although God is generally worshipped in a sense of reverence, the Lord is more satisfied if the devotee considers Him as his beloved son, his personal friend or his good-loved and served Him with such natural affection.




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