The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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The nine devotional activities.

The nine devotional activities are: listening to the glories of the Lord, reciting or singing them, remembering the Lord, serving the Lord, worshiping Him in the temple, offering prayers to Him, becoming His servant, becoming His friend, and surrender completely to Him.

The chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord.

The surest way to reject material defilements, to achieve purity, and to put God in our mind and heart, is to experience the need and the pleasure of singing the hymn of the Holy names of the Supreme Lord.

The Holy Names of God composing the hymn “Haré Krishna”, are specially intended to counteract the terrible consequences of the current age, also called the iron age, the black age or the dark age, the age of discord, hypocrisy, strife, indifference, decadence and sin. Nowhere can we find a method of spiritual realization for this age as pure, as sublime as this song in Sanskrit:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

This sublime song in Sanskrit means: O Lord, O Source of all happiness, please make me your beloved servant, allow me to serve you.

Krishna and Rama are the Names of God, and Haré is none other than his inner energy, his blissful energy.




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