The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is revealed to all who surrender to Him, and serve Him with love and devotion.

It is through the service of love and devotion that we offer to God, that we please Him, and satisfied with us, He will reveal Himself to us. We will then be able to see him face to face. It is thanks to this attitude of service that God will reveal himself to us. From this moment we will experience infinite joy. We will know everything about Krishna, everything will be revealed to us.

Let us have a respectful attitude towards the Lord, and let us not make the mistake of saying to Him for example: “Please come, for I wish to see you”.

No, God is not at our service, at our orders, rather we are at his service. We must deserve, through the service we offer Him, the joy of seeing and serving Him. If we serve him truly, sincerely, humbly, with love and devotion, we will be aware of his presence in us. If you sing the song of the Holy Names of God, “Haré Krishna”, like me, you will hear the Lord sing with you, and experience infinite joy.

You will then say, “Thank you Lord Krishna, for the joy you offer me to hear you”. You will think “God is there, I hear him and I see him”.

If you follow the teaching of the true authentic servant of God, you will receive from him the true spiritual knowledge, the true science of God, thanks to which you will know Krishna as He really is, Everything will be revealed to you.

The ultimate goal of existence is to know Krishna, and to find him in his infinite and absolute kingdom, where our original home is.

The Lord says to this effect: “After having reached Me, the great souls, the consecrated spiritualists of devotion, never return again to this temporary world, full of suffering, because they have reached the highest perfection”.

In truth, Lord Krishna diffused this sublime knowledge from the foundation of the world, from the creation of the material cosmos, and spread it on all the planets of all the galaxies, so that all the beings who live there are perfectly guided, advised, informed, taught and know how to act so as not to be plunged into the darkness of ignorance, and do not head towards wandering and perdition.

True spiritual and absolute knowledge, light of lights, will never disappear, unlike material knowledge, which is imperfect, temporary, and will disappear with death.




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