The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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True relationships are those that take place at the soul level.

In truth, the raison d'être of existence is to seek God, to find him, to learn to know him as he really is, to love him, to surrender to him, and to serve him with love and devotion. This is our original and eternal natural position as a servant of God.

Those who understand these truths will see their lives changed. The Lord, by his divine grace, will put an end to all their sufferings. They will then pass from death to eternal life, for death will no longer be for them.

Concerning eternal life, the Lord says: “I respond to the worship of the pious believer according to the particular transcendental feeling that animates him. This is My nature. The devotional service that living beings offer Me, revives in them eternal life”.

The true relationships that human beings must exchange with each other, with each other, are those that take place at the soul level, and are based on the bonds that bind them to the Supreme Soul, Krishna, because soul-to-soul relationships are established from the connection between each person and the Supreme Soul, Krishna. These soul-based relationships lead to spiritual liberation, as they have a strong bond with God Himself.

To abandon ourselves to God and to serve him with love and devotion is the perfection of existence and eternal life.

If we spiritualize our actions, our space and our life, then we will see God at work. The greatest sign of love that a person can show to those he loves, and even better, to the whole of humanity, is to offer them three wonderful gifts, the most beautiful of all: “Krishna, God, the Supreme Person Himself, eternal spiritual knowledge, and absolute truth”.

Let us not seek to amass, to accumulate, to increase our material goods, our wealth, our power, because all this is temporary, ephemeral and will inevitably cause our loss. We will know the confinement in matter and we will suffer from it, because we will undergo the infernal cycle of rebirths and repeated deaths. If we spiritualize our actions, our space and our life, then we will see God at work.

We will see him act, in order to reduce wickedness to nothing, and to silence all those who convey hatred and racism.

We will see him act, in order to come to the aid of the unfortunate and to solve the difficulties of those who have them, without their knowing it.

We will see him ourselves by our side to teach us pure spiritual science, to show us his love, to advise us, to guide us and by signs, to tell us what to do and what not to do.




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