The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 48 of 88

True knowledge is spiritual, absolute, eternal, it will never disappear.

True transcendental knowledge, or pure true knowledge, comes from the Absolute Truth, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

It is through surrender to Lord Krishna, and through the service of love and devotion that we offer Him that true knowledge is acquired, and all will be revealed to us.

Lord Krishna says: “I am the Supreme Soul (also called the Holy Spirit), which is in the heart of every being.

Living in their hearts, and full of compassion for them, I dispel from the bright torch of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.

I hold My Heart in every being, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness”.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the Absolute Truth. He is the original source of true pure transcendental knowledge, the divine diffuser, and the Supreme Spiritual Master, the Divine teacher, who diffuses it in all directions for the good of all beings. He is the supreme transcendental light, and where it is, darkness is absent.

In truth, darkness cannot coexist with light. Likewise, the external energy or material energy of God, maya, cannot exist in the presence of Lord Krishna. However, darkness, an illusory and temporary veil of luminous radiance, only exists through light.

It is the absence of true knowledge, which plunges the incarnated spiritual being into ignorance of the data relating to God, to the absolute and existential truth, and to the existence of pure, supreme knowledge, which transcends from its bright shine the darkness of misunderstanding. It is ignorance which is at the origin of atheism, and which maintains it.

We all believe, generally, that non-violence means not killing or harming the bodies of others, but true non-violence consists above all in not being a cause of anxiety or agitation for anyone.

The majority of men who are absorbed in a material conception of life are prisoners of ignorance of the data relating to God, their true self, existential truth and true spiritual knowledge, perpetually doomed to the sufferings of this world. If we do not raise them to spiritual knowledge, we show violence towards them. It is therefore necessary to do all that is in our power to give all human beings true knowledge, so that they become enlightened and can get rid of this material chain.




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