The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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In the time when we live, also called the age of discord, hypocrisy, quarrels, indifference, decadence and sin, man is forced to toil like a beast of burden. In fact, the whole world has now become an example of the regions where unbelievers are sent to suffer for their sinful acts.

If man does not fulfil the duties conferred on him by his human form, he must reincarnate on the so-called “unbelieving” planets, where all beings in degenerate forms struggle in ignorance and darkness, and must descend into the infernal regions of Hell.

On the other hand, all who, despite a sincere effort, fail in their attempt to achieve spiritual fulfilment, will get to be reborn into a family of high condition.

Blessed are those who live outside the material sphere, for they will see God.

Blessed are those who reject materialism, who renounce the power, riches and material goods which in this world are ephemeral, and who give all that they possess to God, for they lose nothing in truth. On the contrary, the Lord will satisfy them beyond their hopes.

It is by sacrificing one’s vast material possessions for the benefit of the soul, that each of us is, that one can qualify to enter the kingdom of God, and thus attain the highest perfection of existence. Then we will live eternally at the soul level, with a perfect knowledge of the service of love and absolute devotion offered to Lord Krishna.

In truth, the feeling of the human body does not affect the incarnate spiritual soul, because the latter is of a transcendental nature. Birth, sickness, old age, and death are proper to the human body, and are opposed to the very nature of the spiritual soul.

The human body is nothing but a mere garment subject to the laws of the material nature from which it comes, as well as to the universal time which transforms it and subjects it to wear and tear.

That is why we must seek above all the interest of the soul and turn to God, understanding that abnormal attachment to the body is a hindrance to spiritual development.

The Lord teaches the right attitude, the ideal behavior.

This sublime knowledge, expressed by the Supreme Lord Himself, possesses in its essence the life and purity of the Absolute Truth. That is why it is said to be “beyond human knowledge”.

The word of God is alive, pure and saving. It is the heavenly food and drink that gives life. It spreads divine knowledge that opens the mind to truth, and reveals God as He really is. She is the flaming sword that destroys evil, annihilates demonic disbelievers, and impurities. It pours out blessings, and is the purifying essence. It is knowledge that shows the right way, sweeps away doubts, fears, and strengthens the spirit. The essence of the word of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is love. Whoever listens to God will never be confused or lost.




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