The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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Lord Krishna recommends that we live according to his teaching.

God is warning us against the greatest danger.

Whoever “kills” the soul, will go to the so-called “infidels” planets, where there is ignorance of the data relating to God as He really is, of awareness of our true spiritual identity, of perfect spiritual knowledge, and of absolute truth. The purpose of existence is to attain spiritual realization, and to restore our forgotten relationship with God.

In truth, to “kill” the soul is to reject God, to continue to ignore that we are in reality spiritual souls and not the body of matter in which we have incarnated, not to seek to achieve spiritual realization, and be interested only in the material body and the pleasures it generates.

Man is distinguished from animals by greater responsibilities. We call them “virtuous souls”, those who become aware of them, assume them and act accordingly, and “unbelievers” those who neglect them or even ignore them. Every human being falls into one of these two categories.

The intelligent man must always remember that the human form is obtained only after many reincarnations of the soul, over millions of years. Unlike other bodily, animal and vegetable forms, only the human form allows the soul to access the knowledge of God, and to develop intelligence.

The unbeliever is one who, despite such assets, does not take full advantage of the human form to realize his spiritual self. He is a “murderer of the soul”, whose destiny is to sink into the deepest darkness of ignorance to suffer interminably. This is the danger against which God warns us.

The human form is not given to us to toil like a donkey or a camel, but to enable us to reach the greatest perfection of being. If we are not concerned about achieving spiritual realization, nature will force us to work hard of our own accord.




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