Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 92 of 624

The benevolence of the Lord is such that even if a virtuous being does not reach a stage of pure devotion and free from all material defilement, he will be granted to reach it in his next life. By being born again into a well-to-do family or among devotees of the Lord. He will not have to engage in the hard struggle for material existence, and will thus be able to complete his purification. When he finally leaves his body, he will immediately return to the kingdom of God, his original home. When he reaches the spiritual level, the servant (or the handmaid) of God then remains there eternally.

Logos 32

Goto table of logos

The Messiah will not come now, but when humanity will no longer speak of God, even in the abodes of the so-called wise men and respectable men of the upper classes of society.

When power has passed into the hands of iniquitous, conceited and unscrupulous heads of state, devoid of intelligence and real education, and governments composed of ministers from the lowest strata of society, or even more vile, uneducated and atheistic, when men have forgotten everything about the authentic holy scriptures, the original holy scriptures The true gospel, and that they will make violence their daily life, then the Lord will appear as the Master of punishment. These disastrous symptoms will mark the last phase of our age, that of discord, quarrels, hypocrisy and sin, when all human beings will be under the sign of atheism. All men will reject God, preferring atheism, secularism and irreligion to religious dogmas. Violence and wars due to the blackness of heart of men will be common currency.

God will then come like the Messiah, to annihilate all atheistic demonic beings, protect his devotees and restore religion. Then will begin a new era placed under the sign of the Supreme Eternal and virtue. Men will live happily, in harmony and in peace.

See my site: sauljudoeus.fr Open the book The Divine Messages page 37

Logos 33

Goto table of logos

By establishing a loving spiritual relationship with the Supreme Lord through our total surrender to his Divine Person, we free ourselves from the sufferings inflicted by the laws of material nature.

Those who offer all their works to God, who act only for him and who see all things in relation to the Lord, all their acts come under the absolute. God being the center of their activities, these last, although being material, are saturated with spiritual




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