Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 94 of 624

pure service of love and devotion. No one should have the slightest doubt about this, nor should one seek the help of an angel, a celestial being or a powerful man, since all depend on Him alone. With the exception of the Lord Himself, all depend on his mercy.

That the Lord creates a single galaxy, that is a marvelous act, inconceivable. Such galaxies exist in infinite number and all together constitute what is called material creation. But this in turn represents only a fraction of the entire creation. Indeed, the material cosmos represents only a part, that is to say the quart of the totality of the energies of the Lord. The eternal spiritual world constitutes the other three quarts of the unique reality.

In truth, the Lord creates and then reabsorbs his material creation only, because the other part of creation, the largest, or the spiritual world, abides forever. The Lord dwells in this eternal kingdom, and his Names, Attributes, Entertainment, Entourage and Personality, all eternal, are all manifestations of his various energies and plenary emanations. The Lord is limitless, and his deeds are unsearchable.

Logos 36

Goto table of logos

Do men know that the killing of innocent animals that are committed in slaughterhouses because of their desire to delight in their flesh, will cause future calamities, wars, epidemics, famines, droughts and other climatic upheavals, which will befall them because of the karma accumulated by the animal holocaust and on the societies which support these criminal activities, unforgivable in the eyes of God?

By murdering innocent animals in slaughterhouses and eating their flesh, men condemn themselves to undergo severe penalties from divine justice. For having taken the life they too will die, they will not escape it.

It is written: You have created this situation, you have killed so many animals, now suffer the law of cause and effect which repays to everyone the consequences of their actions.

It is absurd and irresponsible to believe that the slaughter of animals and the consumption of animal flesh, fish and eggs, do not hinder spiritual realization and do not are not the source of our suffering. Animal killers and all those who revel in the flesh of animals, will never be able to know God as he is, nor penetrate true divine knowledge, much less discover absolute truth. These are elements that will not find the way into the kingdom of God. On the other hand, they themselves will undergo in their next life what they did to these innocent animals, for such is the law of cause and effect, which returns to each one the consequences of his acts. Understand that all animals have a soul.




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