Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 89 of 624

It is the thoughts, desires and memories emitted at the time of death that determine what your next existence will be.

Whoever, at the hour of death, leaves his body, remembering Me alone, immediately attains My kingdom, do not doubt it.

Logos 27

Goto table of logos

To her alone, the soul spiritual light enlightens the whole body with consciousness. Consciousness is the concrete proof of the presence of the soul in the body. Consciousness is the major energy of the soul.

It is the particular consciousness of an individual soul that directs its actions. The brain is only an instrument having no relation to the real intelligence which is in the soul. Consciousness is the major principle, the essence of the spiritual soul, the energy of the soul, it is the soul itself. The soul is present in the heart of the living being, celestial, human, animal and plant, it is the source of all the energies that support the body. The energy of the soul is diffused throughout the body, this is what is called consciousness.

True intelligence is also another major principle of the soul, because it is in it that it is and nowhere else. Real intelligence, mind and consciousness in their pure form are inherent in the spiritual soul distinct from God. This makes it possible to affirm with all certainty that the brain of the material body is not the center of intelligence, and that it is the consciousness of the soul which determines the intelligence of its actions. Whatever brain we have, our life will be successful if we simply turn our consciousness away from matter and direct it to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Consciousness is individual. Because the consciousness remains specific to the individual, it remains unchanged despite the transformation of the body. Thus, the physical constitution has no relation to the development of consciousness, which follows the movements of the soul through its transmigrations (reincarnations).

Anyone who adopts the path of consciousness of Krishna, God, gains access to the highest perfection of existence, whatever the downfall into which it may have fallen. In other words, everyone in Krishna consciousness will return to God when they leave their material body.

Logos 28

Goto table of logos

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, remains the Complete Whole although all emanates from him; He never loses his power. He always retains his omnipotence, for He is God, and his energy is supreme, inconceivable.




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