Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 609 of 624

This is the perfection of existence.

Each planet of the material world has a particular atmosphere, and if one wishes to go to a particular planet, one must necessarily adapt one's body to the climatic conditions of that planet. Thus, one has to change one's body completely to reach the transcendental planets of the spiritual world. However, those who aim at the higher, paradisiacal material planets can keep their ethereal body, but they have to leave their carnal envelope of dense matter, made of earth, water, air, fire and ether.

Similarly, when one goes to a transcendental planet, it is necessary to leave both one's ethereal body and one's body of gross matter, for one must enter the spiritual world in a purely spiritual form. However, this change of body will occur automatically at the moment of death if one so desires.

In truth, we can obtain a new material body corresponding to the desires that we have at the moment of death. It is the desire of the mind that carries the soul to a suitable atmosphere, just as the wind carries an aroma from one place to another. We must train the mind and the intellect systematically so that at the moment of death we can consciously desire a suitable body, either on this planet earth or on another material planet, heavenly or Edenic for example, or even better, on a transcendental planet in the spiritual world.

A civilisation which does not take into consideration the gradual elevation of the immortal soul, only encourages a life of ignorance of the animal level. It is unreasonable to believe that all souls who pass from life to death reach the same destiny. Either they are forced to undergo a condition determined by the life they have just led in this material world and will therefore continue to suffer life after life, or they decide to reach their chosen place, the absolute kingdom of God where life is wonderful and eternal, and will experience true life, true freedom, and true happiness with Krishna.

The secret of success and the perfection of existence is the total surrender of oneself to God.

That is why we must surrender to the Lord.

Meditation, also called absorption of the mind, involves the concentration of thoughts on the supreme cause of all that is, that is, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, even if at that moment one does not know His exact nature, personal, impersonal or localised. Such concentration on the Absolute or God is a form of devotional service. Indeed, to interrupt all sense pursuits and concentrate on the supreme cause is a mark of self-abandonment, and such abandonment is in turn a sure mark of devotional service to Krishna. Every being must dedicate himself to the service of love and devotion offered to Lord Krishna if he wishes to know the ultimate cause of his existence.

Surrendering willingly to Krishna, carrying out all His instructions, obeying Him and doing all His will spontaneously, immediately, liberates one from all the consequences of sin, however numerous, and offers liberation from this material world.




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