Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 605 of 624

If we are not motivated by the quest for spiritual realisation, the sacrifice of our possessions is only a material act. On the contrary, if we do it for a spiritual purpose, if we serve Krishna with love and devotion, it will be perfect.

At the spiritual level too we find two forms of activity, one devoted to understanding our nature and position in relation to God, and the other directed towards knowing the truth about God, the Supreme Person. Whoever studies the Bhagavad-gita [Words of Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme Person] in its entirety, will without difficulty assimilate spiritual knowledge in both these aspects. It is without difficulty that he will know the spiritual nature of the being, an integral part of God, and subsequently the absolute nature of the Lord's acts.

The Lord is, without any doubt, the Supreme Person and His acts transcend matter. One who has understood this truth is freed from the clutches of matter as soon as he begins to study the Bhagavad-gita, also called “the song of the Lord” [words of Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme Person].

The purpose of material creation, the true goal of existence.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, whose form is all knowledge, bliss and eternity, is the Master of all supernatural powers. He is beyond material manifestation as well as its cause. He is the cause of all causes, and of All He is the original Master. The cosmic manifestation rests on Him alone. He is the Supreme Master of the cosmos, and the cosmos is created, in truth, for the sole purpose of displaying His entertainments.

In truth, the material creation is temporarily manifested and then destroyed for the sole purpose of instructing the embodied spiritual being who is conditioned by the material nature and the energy of illusion and remains attached to the ephemeral.

It is therefore also intended to enable him to attain spiritual realisation, whereas those who are attached to the fruits of their actions see the pursuit of sense pleasure as the primary goal of their existence and are unaware that the material universe is a world of perpetual suffering and danger.

Let us always remember that the material creation exists only for the salvation of conditioned souls. It is indeed for this purpose that the Lord, through His causeless mercy, descends to various planets of this material world and performs His spiritual and absolute acts.

At the origin of all things, when the material cosmos did not yet exist, the spiritual entities, or spiritual souls, lived with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in His realm of knowledge, bliss and eternity, and served Him with love and devotion.

In truth, the creation of the material world is not a blind or random phenomenon. It offers eternally incarnated beings, conditioned by matter and illusionary energy, the opportunity to attain liberation under the guidance of a representative of the Lord, such as the spiritual master, the authentic intimate servant of the Supreme Eternal.




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