Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 607 of 624

Unlike the spiritual world, the material universe is a dead world, for matter is inert and only comes to life through contact with living beings, spiritual souls, tiny eternal fragments, eternal parcels, integral parts of God.

Blessed is he who is aware of his true spiritual identity, for he remains constantly in the light.

Pure love for God is the ultimate goal of existence.

The true purpose of human life and its raison d'être. The true journey of life.

The Lord God says: For a person with spiritual knowledge, I am the only Beloved, the ultimate goal, the motive and the final conclusion, the elevation and the path that leads into My eternal kingdom. Besides My Divine Person as the favourite, it has no other purpose.

The purpose of human life is to get to know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person as He really is, and His fame, qualities, entertainments, glories and excellences.

To renew the bond with Him and act accordingly.

To achieve spiritual realisation.

To learn to surrender to Him and serve Him with love and devotion.

To learn to love Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, to obey Him, to do His divine will, and to unite our desires and interests with His.

To learn to know our true identity, to be a spiritual soul.

To learn to reject envy, concupiscence, anger and greed.

To purify ourselves by engaging in austerity and penance.

To purify oneself by respecting and applying the following four regulating principles: Not to have sexual intercourse outside of marriage, not to eat meat, fish and eggs, not to consume drugs and stimulants such as alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, tea, and not to gamble.

To purify one's existence by adopting God consciousness.

To purify oneself from all misconceptions, taking Krishna's teaching as a sure and firm foundation.

To attain the highest possible perfection by serving and delighting the Supreme Lord.

To realise Krishna, God, the Absolute Truth.




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