Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 400 of 624

We must beware of these three enemies of human life, concupiscence, anger and greed. The more the human being frees himself from it, the more his existence is purified. He can then observe the rules and principles of the holy Vedic scriptures, the Vedas, the original holy scriptures. By thus following the regulatory principles of human life [not to have sex outside marriage, not to eat meat, fish or eggs, not to consume drugs or exciting products such as alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, tea, not gambling], it gradually rises to the level of spiritual realization. And if by observing these principles he still finds himself happy enough to attain Krishna consciousness, God consciousness, then for him success is assured.

This path of purification is attained by all who are free from lust, anger and greed. By the knowledge thus acquired, they will be able to rise to the highest level of spiritual realization, which finds its perfection in the loving and devotional service offered to Krishna. In this devotional service, the liberation of the conditioned soul from the world of matter is sure.

The Lord said: He on the other hand, who rejects the precepts of the holy scriptures to act according to his whim, he does not attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme goal [which is none other than God Himself].

Once the soul has reached the human form, that is to say incarnated in the in human form, she is supposed to become sane and able to follow the principles given to her to rise to the highest position. But if she neglects their observance and she will find herself degraded.

However, if, even by following these moral rules and principles, she does not ultimately come to know the Supreme Lord, all the knowledge she will have acquired will be struck with vanity.

She must therefore gradually rise to the level of Krishna consciousness, of the loving and devotional service that she offers Him, and only there she will be able to attain the most high perfection.

Verily, the purpose of the human form is to purify existence, and those who refuse to observe its rules and principles can neither purify themselves nor find true happiness.

The Lord said: What is your duty and what it is not, therefore know how to determine it in the light of the principles given in the scriptures. Knowing these laws, act in such a way that you gradually rise up.

Logos 432

Goto table of logos

Divine laws rule the entire cosmos, and thus have authority over all the planets of all the galaxies of the material universe.




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