Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 398 of 624

existence of innumerable forms of life, human, animal, vegetable, all of which are thought by this higher power. They are obviously not due to chance.

When demonic beings, they are forced to be reborn in the bosom of an unbelieving, atheist, evil and demonic family. They will thus retain their envious nature, and will remain the last of men. Always full of lust, hatred and violence, unhealthy beings that they are, they evoke the animals of the jungle.

The Lord specifies for this purpose: These, being reborn life after life within the demonic species, can never approach Me. Gradually they sink into the most sinister condition.

In truth, we all know that God shows infinite mercy, but He never makes it appear to evil and demonic men. These ungodly men are forced, life after life, to enter the family bosom of beings just as demonic as themselves. Thus, deprived of the mercy of the Lord, they sink more and more, to end up in the bodies of dogs, cats, pigs…

These evil and demonic men have practically no chance of receiving, in the present as in the future, the mercy of God. They degrade themselves until they are forced to incarnate in the bodies of dogs, cats and pigs among others.

In all, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is impartial, and has no hatred or resentment for no one. He has equal consideration for all living things. The act of placing evil and demonic beings in the lowest life forms is in fact just another aspect of his mercy. It sometimes happens that demonic men are killed by the Lord, but such an act is actually beneficial to them, for whoever is put to death by the Lord attains liberation. All acts of God are absolute. The mercy of God is therefore also manifested to demonic men, if they are fortunate enough to be killed by Him.

The Supreme Lord teaches us: Three doors open into this hell: concupiscence, anger and greed. Let every sane man close them, because they lead the soul to its destruction.

This word of God describes there the origins of demonic life. Human beings seek to satisfy their lust, and if they cannot, then anger and greed arise. This is why the healthy man, who does not want to fall into the demonic species, must try to get rid of these three enemies capable of "killing", of suffocating the soul, to the point of depriving it of any chance of being. free from the traps of material existence.

Aversion to the principles which allow one to know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is for human society the cause of all falls. In this aversion lies the worst offense that a human being can commit. As a result of this offense, maya, the material energy of the Supreme Lord, incessantly imposes on souls conditioned by matter, in the form of the three kinds of suffering [those arising from the body and the mind, those caused by other living entities, and those which originate in material nature; hurricanes, storms, strong winds, heavy rains, extreme cold, etc.], countless setbacks.




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