Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 397 of 624

many different manifestations of his Person. Likewise for water and its pure taste, as well as for the vital force which sustains all life, are simple aspects of his grace.

Logos 431

Goto table of logos

Teaching concerning the future of the evil demonic man, the origins of demonic life and the source of demonic existence.

The Supreme Lord says: Having sought refuge in the false ego [identification with one's body and the desire to dominate matter and material nature], in power, pride, lust and anger, the demonic blasphemes true religion and envies Me, I the Supreme Lord, who resides in his very body, as in that of others.

Evil man, demonic, because always hostile to the supremacy of God, is loath to believe in the holy scriptures. He is envious of the holy scriptures and of the existence of God, the Supreme Person. These are the fruits of its pseudo prestige, its wealth and its power. He does not know that his current life is preparing another. He feels envy towards himself, as towards others. On his own body and on the bodies of others, he engages in acts of violence. Devoid of knowledge, he ignores the sovereign control of the Supreme Person.

Jealous of the holy scriptures and of God, the Supreme Person, he produces false theses to deny all divine existence, he refutes the authority of the holy scriptures. In each of his actions, he believes himself to be independent and all-powerful. He imagines that since no one equals him in strength, power or wealth, he can act as he sees fit, without anyone being able to stop him. We currently have an example of these sinister figures at the head of certain states or multinational companies. Let him then have an enemy likely to slow him down in his quest for power and pleasure for the senses, and he will develop all kinds of projects and intrigues to demean him by manifesting his own power.

The Lord adds: The envious and wicked, the last of men, I plunge them into the ocean of material existence in the various forms of demonic life.

In truth, the function of placing an individual soul distinct from God in a particular body of matter is the privilege of the will of the Supreme Lord. The evil and demonic man may not consent to recognize the supremacy of the Supreme Lord and act according to his whims, but it is God who will decide the circumstances of his next life, and not him.

The embodied soul is put after the death of the body of matter in the womb of a new mother where, under the direction of a higher power, it takes on a new determined body, according to her karma. We thus see evolving in the heart of the material




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