Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 383 of 624

The human being enlightened by the grace of Krishna, God, the Person Supreme, knows that no one is his enemy, nor his friend. In reality, we are all eternal servants of Krishna, the Sovereign Person, but under the influence of the external energy of the Lord, we believe ourselves to be separated from God, and then we regard each other as friends or enemies. This misunderstanding rectified, we now know that all living beings around us are neither our friends nor our enemies.

We now understand the truth, we are all eternal servants, eternal servants, of Krishna, God, the Supreme and Sovereign Person, and our duty is to serve Him with love and devotion, Him, the Supreme Master. Let us renew the bond of love that binds us to the Lord, and by his contact, He will offer us ineffable happiness for eternity.

Logos 421

Goto table of logos

Time is a manifestation of the Lord, intended to remind us that we must surrender to Him.

The fear of death arises through the action of the time factor, which represents the influence of God, the Supreme Person, and ignorance of the data relating to the supreme and spiritual truth, concerning real existence.

In other words, time is destructive. Everything that is created is also subject to destruction and annihilation, which represents the action of time. Time is a manifestation of the Lord, meant to remind us that we must surrender to Him. The Lord addresses each conditioned soul in the form of time.

The Lord teaches us to tolerate, without being affected, the calamities inflicted on us by providence. All this is the work of ineluctable time, which carries away all living beings from all planets located in all galaxies.

The Lord said:

Abandon yourself to Me, I will take you under My protection and you will come to Me.

Leave all other forms of religion there, and simply surrender to Me. I will free you from all the consequences of your faults, have no fear.

Abandon yourself entirely to Me. By My grace you will know absolute peace, and you will attain My eternal and supreme abode.




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