Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 382 of 624

In the material world, unless one identifies with one of the social classes and one of the spiritual divisions, one cannot properly assume one's social or spiritual life to attain the ultimate goal of life, God.

Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu the Golden Avatar says: To attain the ultimate goal of existence, be Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, the chanting of the holy names of the Lord and listening to the glories of Visnu, of Krishna are the most important.

Listening and chanting the glories of God is the best way to access the service of love of Krishna.

Logos 420

Goto table of logos

It is to serve Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, that the living being was created.

The living being, the spiritual soul, living in a spiritual or material body [in the body of a celestial being, of a human being, of an animal or of a plant], belongs to the internal energy of the Lord, and is therefore also identical to him, but he never equals or surpasses him.

God and other beings all have their own individuality. Spirit beings distinct from God may also, with the aid of material energy, exercise some creative power, but none of their creations will equal or surpass those of the Lord.

There are only spirits unreasonable, insane, to claim to be one with God, and thus to be led astray by the illusory energy. In their straying, they have no other recourse but to recognize the supremacy of Lord Krishna and to engage voluntarily in his loving service, for that is how they were created to act.

If they do not return to this original duty, the world will not be able to know peace and quiet.

The Lord says: Those who always serve Me and adore Me with love and devotion, I give them intelligence by which they will be able to come to Me. Living in their hearts and full of compassion for them, I dispel with the luminous torch of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.

When the Sovereign Lord is satisfied with the devotional service offered to him by a living being, the latter becomes a wise scholar, and no longer makes any distinction between enemies, friends and himself. In all intelligence, he then thinks:

Each of us is an eternal servant of God, so that we are not different from each other.

Who is aware of this truth, loves all living beings, heavenly beings, human beings, animals and plants, of equal unconditional love, and has no enemies.




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