Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 244 of 624

The intelligent and wise man is able to understand that nothing has real value in the material universe; everything there is nasty because of the defilement of material nature. The judgments of materialists on what is good or bad, moral or immoral, and so on, are entirely relative feelings, or an arbitrary conception. In truth, there is nothing good in the material universe, while at the spiritual level all is absolutely good, the spiritual variety is not tainted with any imperfection.

The Supreme Eternal says: Whoever in Me takes refuge, be he of low birth, a woman, a trader, a farmer, or even a worker, can attain the supreme goal. What then of the wise spiritual guides, of the righteous, of holy beings and of holy kings, who, in this ephemeral world, in this world of suffering serve Me with love and devotion.

For the holy being, there is nothing pleasant or unpleasant in this material world, for he does not act in any way for his personal satisfaction. His least actions and thoughts are aimed at the satisfaction of the Sovereign Lord. Whether in the material universe or in the spiritual world, his mind turns out to be perfectly balanced.
Because the holy being sees everything with a spiritual eye, he remains equal in all circumstances, such is the sign of its elevation to the spiritual level. He spontaneously acquires detachment, then knowledge, followed by true spiritual knowledge. The advanced holy being unites with the transcendent nature of the Lord and develops the same qualities as Him. In this sense, he qualitatively becomes one with God, the Sovereign Person. Abandoning himself to God and serving him with love and devotion, he can then enter the kingdom of God, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity, from which he will never return to this ephemeral material world.

Logos 303

Goto table of logos

The Supreme Eternal says: “According to the body granted to him, the materialistic being wanders from one planet to another, absorbing himself in the self-interested action of which he interminably collects the fruits”.

Changing material bodies life after life, the materialist does not only travel through different living species, but also from planet to planet. The Lord explains that beings embodied and conditioned by matter, chained to the action concerned, thus wander through the entire galaxy; and if by some happy fate, or through some act of piety, they come into contact with a true spiritual master servant of God, by the grace of Krishna, then they receive the seed of devotional service. Whoever plants it in his heart and waters it by the practice of listening to and singing the glories of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, will see it grow until it becomes a majestic plant, bearer of fruits and flowers of which he can profit even in this world. This is called the level of plenitude or of deep joy.




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