Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 241 of 624

interests, whether in the material or spiritual worlds. One can practically call them holy beings, wise without desire, because they have nothing to pursue in the material universe, and they find in themselves their fullness in the spiritual world. Why, then, do they come here below, one will wonder?

The answer is that they descend on different planets of the galaxy at the command of the Lord, to fulfill the role of messiahs, and free the fallen souls there. On earth, they appear in different places and, in various circumstances, in various climates, they do the good of men. But apart from their mission, to snatch from the illusory influence of material energy the embodied and conditioned souls languishing in material existence, they have nothing to do in this world.

Logos 298

Goto table of logos

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and his plenary emanations, the Avatars, possess particular signs, which distinguish them from ordinary celestial and human beings.

It is written in the Vedas, the original holy scriptures also called the true gospel, the everlasting gospel which has no beginning and no end: All Avatars (incarnations of the Supreme Lord who descend into this world) are plenary emanations of Lord Krishna or emanations of his plenary emanations. But He, Krishna, is God in person, in his most complete original form.

In order to avoid anyone pretending to be an Avatar, let us know that the true Avatar will be recognized by the particular signs and characteristics of His divinity which he wears on his body, the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet.
Signs of the soles of the feet of the Lord: A standard, a lightning bolt, a mahout's staff, a fish, a parasol, a lotus flower and a disk.

Signs of the palms of his hands: Lotus flowers and wheels.
Seven parts of his body shine reddish: His eyes, the palms of his hands, the soles of his feet, his palate, his lips and his nails.

Krishna has in addition a peacock feather which adorns his hair, and a tuft of white hairs on his chest. A large flower necklace hangs from her neck. On the other hand, He alone can manifest his gigantic universal form in the material universe, made up of the entire cosmic manifestation.

If God manifested this universal form, it is precisely to put fools back in their place, so that we consider only the Avatar who will be able to manifest this gigantic form as Lord Krishna did. Materialists may therefore, in their own interests, fix their thoughts on this colossal form of the Lord, but let them be careful not to be misled by simulators who claim to be Krishna's equal but who prove incapable of act like Him, or manifest that form which contains the whole universe.




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