Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 246 of 624

material nature; the virtue, the passion and the ignorance resulting from the fact that we have a material body, will cease to act on us. Souls embodied in male or female bodies must know that they are not the carnal envelope, but a spiritual soul. It is in the activities of the spiritual soul that we should all be concerned, and not in those of the body. As long as we are in the grip of a bodily conception of existence, we always run the risk of being led astray, regardless of the sex of our body. It is the interest of the spiritual and eternal soul that we all are, that must be sought, and not that of the perishable body which will again become dust.

Let us turn to God, for He is the key to understanding, spiritual success, true happiness, and entry into the kingdom of God.

Logos 306

Goto table of logos

Verily, we are all servants of God. As servants of the Lord we are all ONE, there can be no question of friendship or enmity between us. Indeed, for one who understands that we are all servants of the Lord, how could there be a question of friend or foe between us?

Everyone should be friendly in the service of love and devotion offered to the Lord. Everyone should praise the loving service offered by others to the Lord and not be proud of their own way of serving him. This is the mentality of a sage and that of beings who live in the kingdom of God. There may be apparent rivalry and competition among servants in the course of their service, but on spiritual planets service to others is valued, not criticized. This is the kind of competition that reigns in the spiritual world. There is no question of enmity between the servants and the maids. Everyone should have the opportunity to serve the Lord to the best of their ability, and everyone should enjoy the service of others. These are the activities of the kingdom of God. Since we are all servants, we are all on the same level and have the opportunity to serve the Lord according to our personal abilities. The Lord stands in the heart of every being, from where He directs his servant or servant according to his own attitude and aptitude. If a holy being sincerely desires to serve the Lord, the Lord guides him. Krishna, God, explains Himself:

Those who always serve and worship Me with love and devotion, I give them intelligence through which they will be able to come to Me.

Thus, all living beings are in fact servants, not friends or enemies, and all of them act according to different directives given by the Lord, who guides according to his own mentality.




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