Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 234 of 624

Logos 285

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At the origin of all things, when the material cosmos did not yet exist, spiritual entities, spiritual souls lived with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person in his realm of knowledge, bliss and eternity and served him with love and devotion.

But some souls became envious of God and wanted to usurp his position as Sovereign Lord, Absolute Master and challenged his authority by disobeying him. In reality, the living being, (the entity or the spiritual soul), is eternal and the material cosmos was created to allow this illusory existence, which we call faux ego. The individual believes himself to be independent of God and free to act as he sees fit. These are the first fruits of Paradise Lost, of the fall of Adam. When Adam and Eve believed themselves free to do as they wished, they were condemned. Being the eternal servant of the Supreme Lord, each one must act in harmony with his desire or his will. When he deviates from this principle, he is lost. Cast out of Paradise, he comes into the material universe where God grants him certain facilities to act, but says to him:

If you act according to My directives, you will be able to come back to Me. If you refuse, you will fall more and more.

This is reflected in the transmigration (reincarnation) of the soul in the cycle of death and rebirth. It all results from disobedience to God. When the being hears the teaching of the Supreme Lord, he revives his original position and returns to God, to his first abode.

The Supreme Eternal says: Leave all forms of religious practice there and abandon- you simply to Me. I will deliver you from all the consequences of your faults. Have no fear.

Logos 286

Goto table of logos

All is God, or an emanation of his external energy, material energy which, by the elements which compose it; earth, water, fire, air, ether, becomes material nature.

All is energy of God. Since nothing can have an existence independent of Him, everything we see must refer us to the Lord. As soon as one sees a clay pot, one remembers the potter and the earth from which it came.
God is not only the original creator, He is also the ingredient, the category and the original substance. God is everything. This is a non-dual concept. By separating anything from God, we could no longer affirm: Everything is Spiritual. Everything refers us to God and everything belongs to Him, that is why everything that exists must be used in his service. As soon as we connect everything to God, nothing is




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