The Spiritual World
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In truth, the spiritual world is not without characteristics, but these differ from those of material nature, for everything is eternal, infinite and pure. All the material and spiritual creations of God mark opulence, beauty, knowledge, but the spiritual world, in particular, is glorious, for all is pure, pure bliss and pure eternity.

The spiritual entity immersed in the service of love and devotion which it offers to the Lord permanently, incessantly, and by the love of God which animates it, is in pure virtue, the perfect happiness. The normal condition of the individual being is spiritual bliss, total satisfaction. This state of fullness is nothing like the blissful satisfaction of those who sink into inaction. This stage of perfection is attained from the moment one firmly establishes himself in the practice of devotional service, which constitutes the pure and natural activity of the soul and is totally opposed to the state. inactive. The activity of the soul is altered by contact with matter, and is transformed, in this morbid condition, into concupiscence, covetousness, greed, inaction, foolishness, sleep. But one of the effects of the practice of devotional service lies precisely in the complete elimination of these products of passion and ignorance. The holy being is immediately established in virtue, and thence ascends to the pure, unmixed level. It is only in this state that one can develop a pure love for Krishna, love through which one will get to see him constantly face to face.

The holy being, the pure soul, always stands under the sign of pure virtue. It does not hurt anyone. The pure soul is never inept (foolish, stupid, stupid, unintelligent ..) or passionate. No wicked, inept, or passionate person can be put in the rank of the Lord's devotees, no matter how far he claims to be holy by his outward attitude. The holy being always possesses all the qualities of God, in a smaller quantity, of course, but the qualitative identity remains. The holy, pure beings who reside on the planets of the spiritual world are all eternal companions of the Lord. As for the kingdom of Lord Krishna, which is beyond all other spiritual planets, it is called Krishnaloka, or Goloka Vrindavana, and the accomplished beings, who have fully developed seventy-eight percent of the Lord's attributes, will be able, after leaving their material body, enter it.

Diversity also exists in the spiritual world.

The dimensions of the spiritual and absolute body of the Supreme Lord can only be esteemed by Him, according to His own values, for He is everywhere present through the entire cosmic manifestation. Material nature draws its beauty from his. Nevertheless, He Himself is always dressed and adorned with magnificence, in order to assert the spiritual variety of which He is the Master, and which plays such an important role in the development of spiritual knowledge.

In the spiritual world, all planets are no different from the Supreme Lord. Because He is Pure Spirit and absolute nature, His Name, Fame, Glories, Attributes and




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