The Spiritual World
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The Lord simultaneously inhabits the kingdom of Vaikuṇṭha or spiritual realm (in its original form) and the material universe (as Supreme Soul). Despite his eternal and perfect presence in Goloka Vrindavana, in the kingdom of Vaikuṇṭha, He is at the same time omnipresent in the material cosmos. This aspect of the Lord who penetrates everything is the Supreme Soul also called Holy Spirit. The cosmic manifestation is the unfolding of the lower energy of the Lord. And since the Lord's energies are one with him, all that exists is in fact Kṛiṣhṇa, God, in his impersonal aspect. The sun does not differ from its rays, its light or its heat, and yet these remain its energies, distinct from it. Likewise, the cosmic manifestation and the living beings are energies of the Lord, considered simultaneously different and not different from Him. This is what must be understood when the Lord says "I am everything": everything is his energy, and nothing is so different from Him. The spiritual manifestation, for its part, never disappears, because it participates in the internal energy of the Supreme Lord, its existence is eternal. When the external manifestation is reabsorbed, the spiritual activities that take place in Goloka and the other Vaikuṇṭha planets do not cease since material time does not exist in this spiritual world.

This is why Krishna, God, the Supreme Person specifies: "This kingdom, from which no one ever returns in this material world, is the supreme dwelling place".

The Vedas, the original scriptures also called "The true gospel" say of Krishna, God:

"God, the Supreme Person, is perfect and complete, and his perfection is complete. Everything that emanates from Him, like the phenomenal world (the material cosmos), is also a complete totality in itself. Everything that comes from the whole thing is also complete in itself. Because He is the complete whole, though innumerable units, complete as they are, emanate from Him, He keeps his completeness."

In the realm of the absolute, one and one make one, and one minus one also make one. So we should not conceive a fragment of the Lord from a material point of view. In the spiritual world, where the influence of material energy is nonexistent, such a concept can not be applicable. The Lord declares that individual beings are so many fragments of his person. They populate innumerable material worlds (the planets of all material galaxies) and spiritual planets, but the Lord Kṛiṣhṇa does not remain less complete in Himself. One might think that once its innumerable parts are scattered throughout the material cosmos, the Lord loses his own individuality: pure illusion. It is indeed a material consideration, possible only under the influence of the material energy, called māyā. Now, in the spiritual world, material energy shines only by its absence.

In the category of plenary emanations or emanations of plenary emanations of Krishna or Visnu, there is no loss of power between two successive emanations, any more than a candle loses its luminosity when turn on another. A single candle can




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