The Spiritual World
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the One you see now, Me, the Supreme Person, and I am also the One who will subsist after the annihilation".

"Before the creation of this cosmic manifestation, Me alone exists with my own spiritual powers to the exclusion of all gross, subtle or causal phenomena. Consciousness was not yet manifested. After creation, I alone live in all things, and come the time of annihilation, I alone remain forever.

"I am the source of all that is."

"I am the supreme center of the relations of all living beings. Knowing me is the king of knowledge. The path that allows the living being to reach Me confers the highest perfection of existence, the love of God. Once at the level of love for the Divine, the life of being becomes perfect."

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, the One Absolute without a second, is the original cause of all causes, from Him all emanates. No one can bind Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. He is the limitless, the ubiquitous. In Him, neither interior nor exterior, neither beginning nor end. In truth, He is Himself the entire cosmic manifestation. The one who knows Krishna as he really is, knows all things, and the one who saw Krishna saw it all, and the most wonderful.

The sublime beauty of krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

The power of love of Krishna sits at the top of all his excellences, He the Master of all wealth, power, fame, beauty, knowledge and renunciation. Of its attributes, its beauty is indeed of a perfection such as it arouses an attraction of the most intimate. Moreover, this unspeakable beauty, the source of the most vivid love feelings, exists from eternity only in Krishna, and only He, while his other excellences are also present in his Narayana form.

The Krishna Body, which embodies the eternal beauty of youth, evolves like the waves of an ocean of beauty. The sound of her flute creates a whirlwind that, together with the waves of her movements, thrills the hearts of the gopis (Young villagers, Krishna's companions in Vrindavana, who embody, because of their pure love for Him, the highest devotion to the Lord). Like the dry leaves of a tree; Once fallen to the lotus feet of Krishna, they never get over it again. The beauty of Krishna is incomparable, no one can surpass it or even match it. It represents the origin of all Avatars. Such is the incomparable beauty of Krishna, the eternal reservoir from which all beauty emanates.

The attitude of the gopis is like a mirror where the reflection of Krishna's beauty increases every moment. Krishna and the gopis increase their sublime beauty at every moment, and so grow up between them a transcendental competition. No one




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