The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 94 of 728

The day when all people will realize this truth, they will understand that they are neither white nor black nor yellow nor red nor American, nor French, nor Asian, nor African, but united members even divine family, and they are not of this world. Then hatred, racism, discrimination, the inhumanisme, indifference and pride disappear, and appear the love, harmony and peace.

It is our responsibility to everyone, and God commands us to disseminate this truth in the world.

Where that is doing your thoughts at the time of death, you will reach the destination without failing at your next life.

For example, feeling of hatred against black people, if you think about them at the time of death, you will reincarnate in the black people.

He who dies thinking of his dog, dog reincarnated, and he who dies in ignorance of God, reborn in the animal kingdom.

He who dies thinking of Lord and offering him prayers at this time, return to the kingdom of God.

We must love each other because we are all brothers and sisters.

But with all sparks, integral parts and components of the marginal spiritual energy of God, we are all connected to each other, each other, and therefore, we can not in any way be separated. We are well connected with God and united to him by an eternal bond of love.

Component together the marginal spiritual energy of God, we are feminine in nature, and ONE, the only God "MALE".

Whoever can cultivate absolute knowledge while performing its material duties, is only able to escape the cycle of deaths and rebirths repeated. Only he can enjoy the blessings conferred immortality.

Do not attempt to defeat the laws of nature without God, you'll never get there. The only way to immortality, it's back to the Lord, as do all those who serve the Supreme Lord with love and devotion, and as should all people.

In truth, the material body, ephemeral mass of inert elements, is nothing other than a garment. A destruction of the body, to his death, the spiritual entity survives, is reincarnated in another body and never loses his spiritual identity.





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