The Pure Spiritual Science
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spiritual level, and present them the true divine knowledge, to enlighten them with this transcendental knowledge and they return to the kingdom of God.

One who is beyond doubt and duality, which is free from sin, who works for the good of all beings whose thoughts turn inward, To God present in the heart, that one realizes the absolute and attained liberation.

It is forgotten in our love relationship with the Lord to look for the cause of the difficulties caused by the hard struggle of existence. Just regain full consciousness of this relationship that unites us to God, to attain perfect liberation, even in our material body.

It is close to the supreme liberation, for those who, free from anger and all material desires, realized their spiritual identity and masters them, always strive to achieve perfection.

As soon as we adopt the consciousness of God, we become aware of our spiritual identity. Through the practice of love and devotion of service to Jehovah, we are developing the knowledge of God. When we are firmly established in the love and devotion service, which we fully develop our spiritual awareness, we are able to perceive the presence of the Lord in all of our actions. This is called liberation through realization of the absolute.

The devotee, the servant, the servant of the Supreme Lord can purify several past and future generations of his family, with his love and devotion of service to Jehovah.

In truth, a pure devotee of God, serving with love and devotion, purifies his entire family until the twenty-first past and future generation. This is the dynasty that is purified, because the devotee enjoying the blessing of the Lord purifies.

If the blessing of the Lord which the devotee enjoys extends to the twenty-first generation, this means that members of different families in which the devotee has incarnated are also cleansed, past and future. By the grace of the Lord is not only the current family that purifies, but also the families of his previous lives.

Wherever there are peaceful servants of the Lord, serene, exemplary behavior and trimmed of all qualities, these places become purified and their dynasties, they were convicted. In a place where lies the holy servants and handmaidens of God, not only themselves and their families are purified, but also the entire country.

God is really a Being Exceptional, possessing beauty, intelligence, qualities, attributes and power outsized. Her body and Supreme Soul are identical, A totally spiritual.





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