The Pure Spiritual Science
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their faults, from all their sins. Let them think of Him as their worshiped Lord, and they will find their spiritual body again.

The Lord said: Free from all ties, free from fear and anger, completely absorbed in Me and seeking refuge in Me, many became purified on coming to know Me, and thus all came to pure love for Me.

We are not to blaspheme God, nor his devotees, who are his genuine intimate servants. Whoever dares to blaspheme God will go to hell never to come out, and who blasphemes or offends one of his devotees will suffer greatly. God does not accept that anyone who offends or disrespects any of his devotees.

So let us blaspheme neither God, nor one of his devotees, and especially do not listen to all the demonic disbelievers who push us to blaspheme, and who thus condemn us to suffer a lot in our next life.

En truth, let us understand well that a blasphemer can be delivered from this sin, as soon as he sings the hymn of the Holy Names of the Lord. Deliverance is therefore assured for the holy being who ceaselessly serves the Lord in good spirits, without committing offenses. By fixing our attention on Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in a sustained manner, we purify ourselves until we are delivered from material existence.

Logos 429

Perfect peace is only obtained through complete development of the consciousness of God.

Souls embodied and conditioned by matter, trapped in the clutches of illusory energy, all ardently desire to find peace in this world, but ignore the conditions required to obtain it.

In truth, the secret lies in the knowledge of God as being the beneficiary of all the efforts of the human being.

The human being must sacrifice everything in the absolute service of the Supreme Lord, for all the galaxies, the planets which compose them and their inhabitants belong to Him. No one equals or surpasses him, He is the One without a second. The Lord reigns over material nature, and all conditioned souls are subject to the yoke and rigor of the laws of material nature.





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