The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 673 of 728

certainly in the next. It is the application of karma, law of action and reaction, or law of cause and effect. Karma is infallible justice.

Just as animals are given territories in forests and mountains, so are animal-like humans in their behavior destined to live in such places.

No one can access civilized life unless you adopt Krishna consciousness, the consciousness of God, because according to the laws of nature everyone is granted a particular situation according to his karma and his relationship with the gunas, the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance.

If men desire to live in harmony and peace, they must opt for Krishna consciousness, for as long as they remain absorbed in a bodily conception of existence, they will be unable to rise to the highest. level of existence.

So it is with men who remain attached to their privileged positions until death and who never wish to leave, even in dreams, the charms of the home or of their social situation.

Prisoners of such fantasies, the materialists work out a thousand projects to make their existence even more comfortable, but suddenly, death occurs. Cruel and ruthless, she takes against his will our scaffolder of great projects and forces him to abandon his body to put on a new one.

Depending on the acts he has accomplished in his present life, he will be forced to take a body among one of the 8,400,000 living species, human, animal or plant.

Generally, those who are too attached to the sweetness of the home are forced to be reborn among the lowest species because of the sinful acts that have accompanied by a long life entirely dedicated to sin. Thus they waste all the energy which the human form had conferred on them.

Logos 417

The spiritual world.

Beyond the confines of material creation, the material cosmos, which we compare to a cloud in the true spiritual sky is the spiritual world populated with spiritual planets.

In this radiance emanating from the spiritual body of Krishna, God the Supreme Person, who composes this spiritual sky, float millions of spiritual planets, where the




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