The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 672 of 728

are seized with the intoxication of the so-called power, conferred by material science, to illicitly exploit the resources of material nature without the approval of the Lord and for the sole purpose of satisfying the senses, then it becomes necessary for the Lord to come down to chastise the rebels and protect the believers.

The Lord appears and disappears in countless galaxies, and when He is present in a particular galaxy, that latter bathes in spiritual light, while another, which He has just left, is then plunged into darkness again.

However, these entertainments go on forever. Indeed, the Lord is always present in one or the other of the innumerable galaxies. The disappearance of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in a given galaxy corresponds to the start of his many entertainments in another galaxy. To be more precise, as soon as an entertainment ends on earth, for example, it begins to manifest elsewhere. This is how his everlasting entertainment continues unabated. But wherever Lord Krishna may be, all his wonderful entertainments take place at regular intervals.

As the sun goes down, the snakes gain strength, the thieves feel more courage and the specters become active, but the lotuses wither and cakravaki birds wail.

Likewise, when Lord Krishna disappears, atheists feel quickened, but holy beings grieve.

The Lord teaches us what true regulating principles are; knowledge, detachment and opulence.

The real regulatory principles are those which lead to My devotional service. True knowledge is the consciousness that reveals My omnipresent presence. Detachment is a complete disinterest in the objects of the material satisfaction of the senses, and opulence represents the eight mystical perfections.

Logos 416

Men who are part of the race of thieves and plunderers, receive a part of the forest as their place of residence.

Thoughts, words and actions cause positive or negative effects, which will have consequences in the life of its author, at the end of his present life already, but




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