The Pure Spiritual Science
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expended by the Supreme Lord at the time of creation is absorbed in Him. Then when it becomes necessary to show the material creation again, only takes the will of the Lord. "I am, but I will do multiple Me" as is the Vedic aphorism. God, therefore, expands Himself through the material energy, and again causes the cosmic manifestation.

The Universe entire hardware is under My order. By My will it is every time again demonstrated, and it is always by her in the end it is destroyed.

The material we have repeatedly explained, is nothing but the manifestation of the lower energy of God, the Supreme Being. At the time of creation, the material energy is "release" as the mahat-tattva, where between the Lord in the form of Maha-Vishnu, the first purusa-avatara. It extends Causal Ocean, and each of his exhalations emanating from His body an infinity of universes. The Lord comes into each of them in the form of Visnu Garbhodakasayi. Thus are created all the universe. And here it comes in everyone and in everything, including the tiny atom in the form of Visnu Ksirodakagayi. This is explained in our verse.

Living beings, for their part, are projected into the womb of material nature, and are developing under different conditions, different bodies, which are the fruit of their past deeds. Then begins to animate the universe then begin the activities of multiple varieties of beings, and this from the very beginning of creation. There is no question of gradual evolution. All living things - men, animals, birds, etc. are created together at the same time that the universe, for many living beings desires conditioned during the previous destruction, as manifest in various forms immediately body. Moreover, this verse clearly shows that beings have no say in these mechanisms.Simply, their state of consciousness at the end of their previous life, in the latest creation is manifested again, and all is done by the will of the Lord. This is the inconceivable power of God, the Supreme Being. Finally, after you create them, the Lord has no contact with the many living species: It creates own inclinations to satisfy the diverse beings, but never is not himself caught up in, of His creation.

The material nature is working under My direction under my direction, it causes all beings mobile and immobile. By my order yet, it is created and annihilated in an endless cycle.

the Supreme Lord manifested in the material and spiritual worlds, and agrees to describe His various perfections.

First, he reveals himself to be the soul of the entire cosmic manifestation, in the form of His plenary expansion. Before the creation of the world, the Supreme Lord, by His




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