The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 523 of 728

This translates the transmigration (reincarnation) of the soul into the cycle of death and rebirth. It all results from disobedience to God. When the being hears the teaching of the Supreme Lord, he revives his original position and returns to God, in his first home.

The Supreme Lord said: “Leave all forms of religious practice there and simply surrender to Me. I will deliver you from all the consequences of your faults. Have no fear.”

Logos 286

Everything is God, or an emanation of its external energy, material energy which, by the elements which compose it; earth, water, fire air, ether, becomes material nature.

Everything is energy of God. Since nothing can have an existence independent of Him, everything we see must refer us to the Lord. As soon as you see a pot of clay, you remember the potter and the land where it came from.

God is not only the original creator, He is also the original ingredient, category and substance. God is everything. This is a non-dual concept. By separating anything from God, we could no longer affirm: “Everything is Spiritual.” Everything refers us to God and everything belongs to Him, that is why everything that exists must be used in its service. As soon as we connect everything to God, nothing is material anymore, everything becomes spiritual. There is no other existence than God, nothing exists except God.

This is the perfection of existence.

Logos 287

Human beings are born with certain tendencies and knowledge, which they keep from their past life. It only needs a few stimuli for them to manifest.

This demonstrates the eternal continuity of the soul. These memories result from the fact that he had already lived in particular conditions which enabled him to acquire a specific knowledge and to preserve it in his true memory, that of his soul. In the material universe, human beings according to the knowledge accumulated in their previous lives, have ideas and knowledge different from each other. Those of a person with a developed conscience differ from those of another with an




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